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Anupama: Anupama sense threat in Adhik's eyes for innocent Pakhi's mental torture (Daily Soap)

Published By: SerialxPRESS Admin on August 22, 2023 11:38 AM (IST) | Publication:


Anupama: Anupama sense threat in Adhik's eyes for innocent Pakhi's mental torture

Anupama: Anupama's (Rupali Ganguly) heart ponder with fear as something gore to happen with Pakhi (Muskaan Bamne)


In the upcoming episode of Anupama's serial which is just a world renowned show at the currect point the story will now shake up the spines of the audiences.

It will be seen that Anupama will definitely have this intution that surely it will be Pakhi who will get a major blow from Adhik for staying in a relationship.

Now, the only further topic of tension for Anupama will be that Anupama will not want Pakhi to get any physical as well as mental torture from Adhik.

Anupama already must have sensed that Adhik surely will opt to cause a huge pain to Pakhi but this should not leave a mark on Pakhi's life.

Anupama will also try to make Pakhi understand that surely Adhik will be taking advantage of Pakhi being Anupama's daughter but yet again it will be Pakhi who will object Anupama drastically.

Pakhi suffer physical damage

Pakhi will now on Adhik's words again start to raise voice amidst Anupama and this will make Anupama leave Pakhi all alone.

It will be hence very interesting to now watch that how will Anupama bring back a smile on Pakhi's face post Adhik's physical violence.

Will this mean that Anupama will not stay back to give tight slap to Adhik along with kicking out Adhik from Kapadiya house?

Stay tuned with me to get some more outstanding as well as spicy and juicy gossips on Anupama show.

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