Submitted By: SerialxPRESS Admin on June 24, 2018 01:24 PM (IST)
Show: Yeh Teri Galliyan
Channel: Zee Tv
Genre: Drama, Romance
Producers: Cinevitaas
Production house: Cinevistaas
Cast: Manish Goplani and Vrushika Mehta
Date of release: To be updated soon
Timing: To Be updated soon
Repeat Telecast Timing: not revealed yet
India’s most popular Channel Zee Tv is known for its interesting and unique series is going to launch one more serial.
The show has a very exciting concept and has something which we have not yet seen on Indian Television.
This show is based on kids but later this will showcase love story of kids who falls in love in childhood.
So, you can assume how different and exciting this TV series would be.
Let’s see how this new serial will entertain us with its new and unique storyline.
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