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Anupama: Anupama's fear come to life with Adhik's crude actions of sexual harassment towards Pakhi (Drama)

Published By: SerialxPRESS Admin on August 22, 2023 10:35 AM (IST) | Publication:


Anupama: Anupama's fear come to life with Adhik's crude actions of sexual harassment towards Pakhi

Anupama: Adhik (Adhik Mehta) raise off beat by imposing harassment on other level on Pakhi (Muskaan Bamne)


In the upcoming episode of Anupama there will be some imposing decisions that will be seen as Adhik force self on Pakhi.

It will be seen that Adhik will now get to know that Pakhi's weak point is none other than the love that Pakhi will have in her heart for Adhik.

Adhik will exactly take an undue advantage of this love of Pakhi in a totally different way which will not be ever imagined by Pakhi.

Adhim will surely for some days be very nice and treat Pakhi like a mere gentleman which will shut off Pakhi's doubts for Adhik's character.

All of a sudden one day it will be Adhik who will now make sure to start sexually harassing Pakhi.

Adhik chop off Pakhi's wings

Adhik will now slowly and steadily ask Pakhi to hand over the project that Anuj had given to Pakhi to operate.

It will be hence very interesting to now watch that how willl Adhik use Pakhi's love with an ulterior motive.

Will Anupama be the one to make sure to understand Adhik's hidden motive?

Stay tuned with me to get some more head storming news as well as gossip updates on Anupama.

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