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Anupama: Pakhi's open threat to Anupama safeguarding Adhik from Anuj's claws (Drama)

Published By: SerialxPRESS Admin on August 23, 2023 12:10 PM (IST) | Publication:


Anupama: Pakhi's open threat to Anupama safeguarding Adhik from Anuj's claws

Anupama: Adhik (Adhik Mehta) hides under Pakhi's (Muskaan Bamne) shade reciprocating to Anupama's (Rupali Ganguly) terror


In the upcoming episode of Anupama the world of Anupama will now come to an end as and when Pakhi will stand tall with Adhik.

As per Pakhi it will be Adhik who will be the most genuine person who will want to change self with honesty.

On the other side Pakhi will think that Anupama's taunts will just not let Adhik make the best use of his talent at the office.

This will make Pakhi all the more furious amidst Anupama and now Pakhi will start to revolt and give open threats to Anupama.

Pakhi will make sure to say this out loud to Anupama that if now Anupama will not stop commenting on Adhik's behavior than surely Pakhi will leave the house along with Adhik.

Anupama's changed attitude towards Adhik

Anupama being a smart lady will now surely understand that if Anupama will now not accept the fact than Anupama will surely loose Pakhi.

It will be hence very interesting to now watch that how will Anupama now play off her cards well amidst Adhik and Pakhi.

Will Anupama be conspiring an all new strategy to unmask Adhik amidst Pakhi?

Stay tuned with me to get some more inner details and developments on Anupama's life story.

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