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Anupama: Adhik's behavioral change make Anupama turn out into detective (Upcoming Twist)

Published By: SerialxPRESS Admin on August 22, 2023 11:10 AM (IST) | Publication:


Anupama: Adhik's behavioral change make Anupama turn out into detective

Anupama: Anupama (Rupali Ganguly) keep an eye on Adhik's (Adhik Mehta) very next step to hammer Pakhi's (Muskaan Bamne) life


In the upcoming episode of Anupama there will be some strange manifestations that will be seen amidst Anupama and Pakhi's nature.

It will be seen that now Adhik will very well understand that if Adhik will want to have to establish his respect back in Kapadiya house than it will be very much clear that Adhik will have to treat Pakhi well.

Although Adhik will not do anything from his heart as now it will be Adhik who will make it a point to use Pakhi's love.

Adhik will first start up with blackmailing Pakhi emotionally with the point of view of making Pakhi totally dependent on Adhik.

This will only be possible when Adhik will get the project that Anuj had handed over to Pakhi.

Adhik-Pakhi receive Anupama's great objection

Adhik will now leave up a strange impression on Anupama on account of which Anupama will not even Pakhi a single minute alone.

It will be hence very interesting to now watch that how will Anupama object Pakhi's earned project to be handed over to Adhik.

Will Anuj ever permit Adhik to get involved in business again post bearing the losses?

Stay tuned with me to get some more mind blowing news as well as gossip updates on Anupama's life.

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