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Anupama: Dimple's food stealing capability to enhance Leela's anger (Upcoming Twist)

Published By: SerialxPRESS Admin on August 24, 2023 12:03 PM (IST) | Publication:


Anupama: Dimple's food stealing capability to enhance Leela's anger

Anupama: Dimple grab off food right from under Leela's nose procuring massive fight amidst Anupama (Rupali Ganguly)


In the upcoming episode of Anupama now there will be some great situational changes that will be made amidst Anupama and Anuj.

On one hand Anupama will be angry for Dimple and Samar asking Leela to pay off the electricity bill of the upper floor.

On the other hand it will be Dimple who will steal off the food from the fridge of the Shah family that will irritate Leela.

Leela will surely get to know that Dimple will be stealing off the food from the fridge but yet Leela will not say a word to Dimple.

This will leave Leela under the righteous attempt of making bigger steals one after another.

Leela accuse Dimple of stealing amidst Samar

Leela will just not understand this one little thing that there is no problem of Dimple eating the food that Leela has made, but at the same time Dimple should not steal off the food.

It will be hence very interesting to now watch that how will Leela accuse Dimple for food robbery.

Will Dimple take Leela's concern in a totally different manner?

Stay tuned with me to get some more inner details and developments on Anupama's life.

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